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Technology systems

Exam unit 2

For Unit 2 on my college course we leared about hardware and software.

for hardware we leared all about individual components what they do and how they aid other components in their jobs for example RAM and HDD or CPU and GPU. For software we learned all about what kinds of software there are for example OTS (Off The Shelf) which is premade like microsoft office and Bespoke software which is custom made software designed for a specific purpose like the Amazon app.


We also looked at where technology can be included in the industry world for example construction and medical robots or database systems for retail companies. We also did a variety of work sheets and used KnowItAllNinja for revision to the accompanying exam.

as well as the exam we would use what we learned on this course to aid our Unit 14 work and vise versa. And how digital and analouge data works.

On top of this i also learned about Binary code and how in binary 1 means true or on and 0 means false or off and how every number is made of a comination of 1s on a multiplication grid.



Unit 2 Assignments

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Issues in Technology systems

In this assignment i had to outline and discuss cyber security issues in technology systems

Binary multiplication

In this assignment I created numbers using 4 and 8 wide grids of digits going up in 2 each time to replicate how a computer create numbers using 1 and 0.

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