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British Esports Student Champs

This would be a Esports tournament run by the British Espots Association competeing students against studenst with the schedule being

02/01/23-11/01/23 = Registration

18/01/23-03/02/23 = Swiss Stage

08/02/23-31/03/23 = Group Stage

19/04/23-12/05/23 = Playoffs

24/06/23 = Grand Finals

And with 169 individual teams registered, the team that i'm a part of the "Strode Stripes" would have our work cut out for us if we want to place #1

Week I results

Week I


For week I of the tournament the "Strode Stripes" went up against "IWC Team Vector" and being the Home team we hosted and got first map pick with it then alternating between teams on who picked the map.

We ended up winning with a close 3-2,

Winning  the first match on "New Queen Street" with the score of 1-0

Losing the second match on "Midtown" with the score 2-3

Winning the third match on "Nepal" with the score 2-0

Losing the fourth match on "Route 66" with the score 0-1

And winning the fith and final match on "Esperança" with the score 1-0

Pulling in the first Esports victory for strode College and this would be the first of many.

Week II


For week II of the tournament the "Strode Stripes" went up against "IWC Team Vector" but this time forming the away team with them hosting they got first map pick and after loosing match 1 they got map pick for match 2 and later match 3

We ended up winning with a straight 3-0,

Winning  the first match on "Busan" with the score of 2-0

Winning the second match on "Route 66" with the score 3-0

Winning the third and final match on "Oasis" with the score 2-0

Pulling in the second Esports victory for strode College and this would be the start of something great.

Week II results

Week III


For week III of the tournament the "Strode Stripes" went up against "Winterstoke Wormz" once again forming the away team with them hosting However our oponents this week appeared not to know the rules of the tournament wanting to play off roster maps and not allowing an allowed hero "Ramattra" & pausing the matches only when they were loosing

We ended up loosing with a close 2-3,

Loosing the first match on "Blizzard world" with the score of 1-4

Winning the second match on "Nepal" with the score 2-0

Loosing the third match on "Rialto" with the score 0-1

Loosing the final match on "New Queen Street" with the score 0-1

Creating the First and hopefully final Esports lose for strode College and this would serve as fuel for the weeks to come.

Week IV


For week IV of the tournament the "Strode Stripes" went up against "OSFC-Salamanders" and being the away team again they hosted and got first map pick with them having the majority of the map picks.

We ended up coming back after the previous week and won with a Distant 3-1,

Winning  the first match on "New Queen Street" with the score of 1-0

Losing the second match on "Blizzard World" with the score 3-4

Winning the third match on "Nepal" with the score 2-0

Winning the fourth and final match on "Route 66" with the score 1-0

Pulling in another Esports victory for strode College, this being a strong come back from the previous week.

Week V


For week V of the tournament the "Strode Stripes" went up against no one due to us reciving a BYE giving an automatic win with 3 points creating a 3-5 week gap between u splaying matches thanks to half term.

Week VI


For week VI of the tournament the "Strode Stripes" were meant to go up against "CCHST Overwatch 2" but the team no showed so we got a 3-0 win gifted to us tying us in 1st place with 21 other teams around the country furthering our goal of winning it all & thus creating a 4-5 week gap between actual matches.

Week VI results

Week VII


For week 7 of the tournament the "Strode Stripes" went up against "VOID". We would win with a 3-1 score, the match was an easy for us but other opponents would not be as easy and how much longer would our luck last?.



For week 8 of the tournament the "Strode Stripes" went up against "Bay House Barracudas OW". It would be another 3-0 for us securing our place higher on the leaderboard

Week VI.png
Week IX.png

Week IX


For week 9 of the tournament the "Strode Stripes" went up against "Access Denied". It would be our first and last match of the eliminations stage and we would be knocked out with a score of 1-3, last minute team changes resulted in our unprepaired team and eventual loss, thus kicking us out of the tournament

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