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IBM Chatbot


The big project we were tasked with over the 2 weeks was creating a Recycle chat bot that could use a list of items called "entities" which are the individual items for example: Paper, Card, Engine oil. Using word lists called "intents" which would be all the different ways to say a phrase for e.g.: Hello, Hi, Hey, ect. Paring the entites and intents together would be a function called "dialouge" which would be the text it would display after given certain word strings for e.g.: Hello, can i recycle Asbestos?. To wich our chatbot would respond with "yes you can" or "no you can't" with several variations of those phrases, howver if an item could be recycled it would tell us how and if it can or can't be done at home.


Myself and my partner Charlie choose the name "C.H.A.D" for this project which was an acronym for Computer, Housed, Artificial Discusser. The reasoning behind choosing this name was because in stories and media the name Chad is often used to portay a dumber character so we choose to make something intelligent with the name to try reclaim a bit of meaing to the name. There were a handfull of problems in creating C.H.A.D one of which required an entire rework of the project 2 days before it was due, what happed was we hit a entity limit of 100 so we removed the to rework and imporve the selection. However in doing this we had nothing for 3 days as without entites the diaouges didn't do anything, therefore on the dealine of 2 days till due I sat infront of this entitie list and reworked it and the dialouge list untill we had a functional project and a video presentaion presenting C.H.A.D to IBM. Some of these files reside at the bottom of this page


IBM work documents Part I

if you click "download" it will download the document for you're viewing.

C.H.A.D "entities" list

This Excel sheet contains all 33 entities on the final version of the chatbot, if I decided to remake C.H.A.D I could upload this file and it would start with 33 entites

C.H.A.D Presentation

This presentation is the documentation we did on the creation of C.H.A.D including, what we did, how we did it, why we did it and what problems we faced

C.H.A.D Demo

This is a short 2 minute demo of C.H.A.D there is a full version on YouTube that will be linked. But for the 2 minute demo i decided to pick the introductory peices C.H.A.D has scripted but also one of each recycle answer prompts to show a short range of whats possible with the 33 entities, the description of it's creation and the thank you message.

There I have an 8 minute version up on YouTube displaying all of the dialouge scripting that C.H.A.D has

C.H.A.D Presentation videos

During the creation of C.H.A.D we had to create a presentation documenting the creation process of C.H.A.D, how we did it, what we did so on and so forth.

Due to my project partner Charlie not being able to make the final presentation we created a video which you can see below this text to the right. But even though we had a video to deliver to IBM I still presented solo but gave it a differant twist. However after all was said and done there were file issues getting the video to me so the video you see to the right below this text is actually a presentaion video made using soley my footage but both are good in their own respects and give different spins on the same presentation

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